Growing up where I did, school wasn’t a main priority. I dropped out of high school my senior year [after being sexually assaulted by a fellow student] and it was no big deal to those around me. But I knew I wanted more. I needed more. I did get my GED and then enrolled in community college. I was the first person on both sides of my family, cousins, aunts, uncles, to go to college. I married young and had kids with a man who was abusive, but I persisted. My 4th daughter was born 5 days before my last semester of nursing school started. I was back at school when she was 2 weeks old. My teachers were so afraid I was going to fail boards that they charged me with plagiarism twice! Both times I sat for the academic board and proved my innocence. I won. Then I passed state nursing boards with a perfect score. The day I found out, I left my now ex husband. That was 2014. Since then, I have spent every moment healing past traumas, and letting the woman of honor that lives inside of me, come alive. It has not been an easy journey, but every minute of the fight was worth it to end up where I am now, spiritually, mentally, and professionally. I believe people and situations are placed in our lives to help us learn lessons. Those who have wronged me, I thank you. Those who have stood by my side through thick and thin, I tell you everyday how grateful I am for your love. Those who were passing through to show me who I don’t want to be and who I can be, thank you. For all of you have helped mold me into who I am today, and I have to say, I like her, thank you! But the biggest shout outs go to my four amazing daughters. Everyday I strive to make a better life for us.
Never stop fighting. Your soul deserves to shine. - @thejudgemaggie
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